Why have the delegates to pay since their choir already paid?

The cost of organising and running a five-day festival, like Various Voices, is considerable. The festival team is doing its utmost to reduce the cost of the festival, in particular through public subsidies and sponsorship. However, the festival is mainly financed by the choirs and delegates who take part. While the festival team strives to keep registration fees reasonable, the reality is that prices are rising, not least because the festival is welcoming more and more choirs and delegates, which in turn requires more and larger (and therefore more expensive) concert venues. These increased costs are also due to various factors, including rising high inflation in recent years and our unwavering commitment to providing the best possible experience for all participants.

We want to assure you that the delegate registration fee reflects the value you’ll receive from the festival, including access to empowering events, exceptional performances, and a supportive community that celebrates diversity and unity. It’s essential to consider that without these fees, it would be challenging to maintain the quality of the festival.

Your support through registration fees is instrumental in bringing Various Voices Brussels 2026 to life, and it’s greatly appreciated. Please note that several delegates can benefit from the Support Programme. We have also set up a Solidarity Fund for people who are not eligible for the Support Programme.

The individual registration requirement is in place for several important reasons:

  1. Funding the Festival: Various Voices Brussels 2026 is a community-driven event, and the delegate registration fees play a crucial role in making it happen. These fees cover various event costs, including venue rentals, equipment, remuneration of professional artists or technicians, security, and ensuring a safe and memorable experience for all participants. It’s important to note that delegate registration fees only partially fund the festival.
  2. Accessibility: Registering delegates individually ensures that every participant receives relevant event updates, including schedules, and performance details.
  3. Accurate Records: Individual registrations help us maintain accurate records of all attendees. This is crucial for event planning, security and effective communication.
  4. Inclusivity: Individual registration allows participants to indicate specific preferences or requirements, such as accessibility needs.
  5. Liability and Waivers: Individual registrations help us manage liability and waivers. Each participant’s registration includes the necessary agreements and permissions, which are essential for the safety and well-being of all involved.