FAQ : Delegates registration
Why have the delegates to pay since their choir already paid?
The cost of organising and running a five-day festival, like Various Voices, is considerable. The festival team is doing its utmost to reduce the cost…
In order to register as a delegate, do I have to be a member of a choir registered for the festival?
Yes, your choir must register first. You can only register by selecting your choir on the platform.
Is it possible to sing with several choirs?
Yes, this option is available on the registration platform, but it is limited to 3 choirs (your main choir and 2 more). We will take…
Is it possible to register as an individual singer?
Each singer must be linked to a registered choir. If you want to join the festival as an individual, we suggest you sign up to…
What’s the delegate fee?
The registration fees are described on this page.
What is included with my registration?
Each registered delegate will receive a Delegate Kit and a badge permitting access to the Festival Village, all Festival venues, all performances, parties and public…
Where can I collect the badge and the Delegate Kit?
Badges and Delegate Kits will be available at our Welcome Hub on the first day of the festival (Wednesday 24 June). For organisational reasons, we…