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From Bologna to Brussels


17 May 2023

Bologna will be hosting Various Voices from 14 to 18 June 2023. Europe’s LGBTQI+ choirs will be meeting in Italy after a long five-year wait, as the previous edition of the festival took place in Munich in 2018. The Bologna edition was initially planned for 2022 and had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

50 singers from Sing Out Brussels! will be taking part in the festival, including several members of our team. We thought this would be a fantastic opportunity to meet the future participants of our festival in three years’ time, and perhaps to do some promotion!

Every singer taking part in the festival will find a sticker sheet in their welcome pack, with one sticker for each pictogram on our festival logo. We hope festival-goers will put their stickers all over the place (on the fridge, the bathroom mirror, their laptop…), so they never forget they’ll be heading to Brussels in no time!


On the back of the sticker sheet, singers will find some basic information about the festival and a link to sign up for our newsletter. We hope to collect as many email addresses as possible to make sure we can keep in touch with our target audience.

Our partners from will also be travelling to Bologna. Ursula, Brussels’ representative in Milan, will travel to the festival to spread the word about Brussels as a destination and to answer any questions from festival participants. She will also be distributing postcards around the 2023 theme ‘Brussels Art Nouveau’.

Bologna will hand over to Brussels for the closing ceremony on Saturday 17 June. Sing Out Brussels! will be singing at the ceremony. We can’t wait!
